Chemical investigation and antioxidant activity of fractions of Lannea humilis (Oliv.) Engl.

Chemical investigation and antioxidant activity of fractions of Lannea humilis (Oliv.) Engl.

The assessment of secondary metabolites shows the availability of steroids, terpenes, glycosides, saponins, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and carbohydrate in the extracts of the stem bark of Lannea humilis. Steroids and terpenes were available in the hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol fraction, while tannins, flavonoids and alkaloids were available in the ethyl acetate and methanol extract. Carbohydrate and saponins were available just in the methanol division. The antioxidant activity of these plant extracts demonstrated a dose-dependent increment. The ethyl acetate extract displayed most noteworthy antioxidant activity of 98% at 240 µg/ml, followed by the hexane extract which had a percentage antioxidant activity of 92 % at 240 µg/ml. The methanol extract demonstrated percentage antioxidant activity of 71 % at 240 µg/ml. These results demonstrated that this plant can be used as a good antioxidant.


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