Indonesia that a country with the most significant Muslim majority in the world, which is also not a state based on Islamic law, has succeeded in implementing an Islamic bank that is used by all religious communities recognized by the government. Pancasila (five principles of Indonesia nation) as the basis of the nation-state of Indonesia has also been in line with Islamic law. The purpose of this study is to determine the classification of savings customers found in Islamic banks based on religion, the middle class, and also by gender. Therefore the discussion in this study is limited by research questions which include (i) How is the portfolio of savings in Islamic banks based on religion (ii) How is the portfolio of Islamic bank savings based on age, and (iii) How is the portfolio of Islamic bank savings based on gender. The method used is quantitative using secondary data found in Bank Mandiri Sharia as the largest bank in Indonesia, which has a 20% market share of the sharia industry in Indonesia. The results of this study note that Buddhist customers and other beliefs dominate the growth in the number of savings accounts and savings balances. Also, the increase in the number of accounts and savings balances is contributed by the owners of savings who come from middle-class age groups who are Buddhist and other beliefs. Furthermore, growth in the number of accounts and savings balances was also dominated by female savers who were also non-Muslim, namely Buddhism and Catholicism.


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  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 2 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2016
  • Yayıncı: Marmara Üniversitesi