At the present time, when the concept of Shia is used in Islamic literature, its connotation and the use of the word in the Quran as the main source of the religion of Islam have different meanings. The claim of governance as a social issue was not limited to the society in which it emerged in the historical process, but also gained a religious meaning by transcending the boundaries of the administrative sphere. The concept that appears in Islamic terminology in the fields of theology, fiqh, philosophy, sect history, Sufism, and political history has been discussed in a broad framework. After the death of the Prophet, the word in the composition of “Şiatü Ali”, which was used to mean Ali support, gained a new meaning independent of the composition with the changing conditions. Intellectual interpretation disputes in the administrative center within the boundaries of Madinah found a new direction with its influence on social and political conditions at the end of the period of sectarianization, which was completed by forming its own systematic. Having gained a new structure with the concept of imamate, Shia, apart from the Sunni structure, formed its own center against all conflicts within it. In this study, the factors affecting and influencing this change process were evaluated.


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