A Review on Measurement of Radon Gas Concentration in Drinking Water

A Review on Measurement of Radon Gas Concentration in Drinking Water

Radon is a noble gas that has a high risk to the human body, and existence at various rates in soil, air and different source of water. Moreover, radon has a short lifetime but it can produce more risk to public health. Humans are good users of water by food, drinking water, vegetable, shower and dishwashing, however, we do have not good knowledge about the risk of radon, and we need to do more research because it’s one of the main factors to various types of cancer such as lung and stomach cancer. This review used different data in some research in different countries (Romania, Chania, Brazil, Sudan, India, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen) in (2012-2020) with the help of the RAD7 detector because it has higher resolution and is faster in measurement. In current review, higher average reading of radon was found in Nigeria, its reading was (36.1 Bq/L) which was more than the standard value in the world for drinking water (11.1 Bq/L). In any country there are so many factors to high and low concentration of radon in drinking water which are discussed and explained in this review.


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Journal of Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials-Cover
  • ISSN: 2651-3080
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 2 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2018
  • Yayıncı: Niyazi BULUT
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