BCG Vaccination: Is there light at end of the Tunnel?

BCG Vaccination: Is there light at end of the Tunnel?

The first Human BCG Vaccine was developed in 1921.Since 1960s billions of beneficiaries have received the vaccine in almost all the countries of the world .However its efficacy has been rated from 0 - 80% in several studies world over which include large randomized/controlled/case-control studies. Since 1974 BCG vaccine was included in the Expanded Program on Immunization(EPI) benefitting approx. 2 billion infants. Despite controversy BCG vaccine efficacy has been established in preventing hematogenous spread of TB infection like TBM, Miliary TB etc. and disseminated TB. Recent meta-analysis studies also have shown BCG vaccine's efficacy against prevention of 50% of Lung lesions both in children, adolescents and adults. More efficacious NEW TB Vaccines viz, Recombinant modified vaccines, attenuated strains of Mtb, subunit vaccines and DNA vaccines are expected to revolutionize global TB Disease control, elimination and possible eradication in future.