Diphtheria: Is it really OUT?

Objective: To study the clinical spectrum of presentation in children admitted with suspected diphtheria.Material and Methods: Case records of 115 cases with suspected diphtheria admitted from April 2009 to October 2011 in the Department of Paediatrics S N Medical College, Agra were analysed. A working Performa was designed to include the clinical presentation, investigation findings, immunization status and outcome of the treatment.Results: Majority of cases 99/115 (86.09%) had acute presentation with characteristic gray-white membrane, rest 16/115 (13.9%) had late presentation. The acute presentation was on an average after 48-96 hours of onset of illness. Sites of membrane were – pharyngotonsillar in 71(71.71%), pharyngolaryngeal in 20(20.20%) and nasal in 8(8.08%). Sore throat, dysphagia, bull neck, cervical lymphadenopathy, respiratory distress and hoarsness of voice was present in 91(91.92%), 64(64.64%), 54(54.54%), 50(50.5%), 34 (34.34%) and 28 (28.28%) cases respectively. Only 6% cases received DPT doses appropriate for age, 2% were partially immunised and 92% cases were unimmunised. Confirmation of diphtheria microbiologically (KLB on peripheral smear) was observed in 11/99 (11.11%) of those having acute presentation. The clinical presentation and outcome of both KLB positive and KLB negative patients was almost similar. Sixteen cases who presented late, presented with neurological and/ or cardiac complications. All of them had history of fever, sore throat, dysphagia 2 to 4 weeks prior to onset of these complications. Their presentation was palatal palsy, palpitation and polyneuropathy in 16(100%), 7(43.75%) and 1(6.25%) cases respectively. None of these cases were fully immunised with DPT, 25% cases were partially immunised and 75% cases were unimmunized.Conclusion: Diphtheria is the first differential diagnosis in patients presenting with membranous tonsillopharyngitis. The present study clearly depicts that diphtheria is still not a lost entity. There is a need to have high index of suspicion for diphtheria in cases presenting with membranous tonsillopharyngitis. Poor routine immunization is probably the reason and need to be strengthened.  


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  • Nasal regurgitation 13 25 Coughing/choking associated with swallowing 16 100 Irregular PR/HR rhythm 8 50 Bradycardia 2 5 Tachycardia 6 5 Irregular respiratory rhythm 1 25 Hypotension 2 5 Weakness in limbs(all) 1 25 Signs and symptoms of CNS &other diseases 0.0