Eski Anadolu Türkçesi Dönemine Ait Bir Eser: Dâsitân-ı Cümcüme Sultân [06 Mil Yz A 9991/2]

The story of Cimcime Sultan is an old folk tale from the Islamic period of Turkish Literature, written in verse form. The story is based on a conversation between Jesus and a skull, Cümcüme Sultan, whom Jesus encounters when he walks on his way. In the story, Jesus asks guiding questions, and Cimcime Sultan tells what he lived in the world and after he died, in his grave and hell. The work has a didactic feature. In the story, the idea is that this world is temporary and the eternal and permanent one is the afterlife accordingly, death can knock on our door when we least expect it, and we must be prepared before we die. The way to do this is to follow the path of Allah and Allah’s prophet - in this story, Jesus. In the story, the transience of worldly life is told in an instructive way by telling the experiences of Cümcüme Sultan, who has everything to be owned in the world, has thousands of soldiers and employees in his entourage, and has no enemies. In this study, transcription of the text, in-language translation, and index of the work will be given and the story will be examined in terms of both literary and linguistic features.

A Literary Work of the Old Anatolian Turkish Period: Dâsitân-ı Cümcüme Sultân [06 Mil Yz A 9991/2]

The story of Cimcime Sultan is an old folk tale from the Islamic period of Turkish Literature, written in verse form. The story is based on a conversation between Jesus and a skull, Cümcüme Sultan, whom Jesus encounters when he walks on his way. In the story, Jesus asks guiding questions, and Cimcime Sultan tells what he lived in the world and after he died, in his grave and hell. The work has a didactic feature. In the story, the idea is that this world is temporary and the eternal and permanent one is the afterlife accordingly, death can knock on our door when we least expect it, and we must be prepared before we die. The way to do this is to follow the path of Allah and Allah’s prophet - in this story, Jesus. In the story, the transience of worldly life is told in an instructive way by telling the experiences of Cümcüme Sultan, who has everything to be owned in the world, has thousands of soldiers and employees in his entourage, and has no enemies. In this study, transcription of the text, in-language translation, and index of the work will be given and the story will be examined in terms of both literary and linguistic features.


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