Actinomyces Associated with Radicular Cyst: Case Report

Actinomyces Associated with Radicular Cyst: Case Report

Actinomycosis is an infectious disease that rarely settles in the jaw. It is most commonly located in the cervicofacial, thoracic, abdominopelvic, and cerebral regions. Actinomycosis is mainly caused by Actinomyces israelii, a gram-positive facultative anaerobic bacterium. Surgical excision and antibiotic therapy are also required in the treatment approach. We present a rare case of surgical and medical treatment of Actinomycosis, which is rarely seen in the maxillary intraoral region. Actinomyces may be associated with a radicular cyst. The intraoral lesion of a 70-year-old diabetic female patient who applied to our clinic with long-term bleeding in the maxillary anterior region was surgically removed. The excised tissue was evaluated microscopically. Actinomyces associated with radicular cysts were seen. Short-term antibiotic therapy was then administered. An uneventful recovery was observed in the controls. J Microbiol Infect Dis 2022; 12(3):127-129.


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