Macroanatomical comparison and examination of external carotid artery and last branches in the abaza (capra aegagrus) and gurcu (capra falconeri) goats

Macroanatomical comparison and examination of external carotid artery and last branches in the abaza (capra aegagrus) and gurcu (capra falconeri) goats

The aim of this research is to macroanatomically compare and examine the arteria (a.) carotis externa and its last branches that provide arterial vascularization of the head region of Abaza and Gurcu goats. For this purpose, a total of 10 Abaza and 10 Gurcu goat heads were used. In both goat breeds, a. carotis communis continued as a. carotis externa. In both goat breeds, according to the vein order not taking place in nomina veterinaria anatomica, a common stem belonging to a. temporalis superficialis and a. transversa faciei was observed. In addition to this common stem, the presence of a common stem belonging to a. malaris and a. infraorbitalis, not mentioned in the nomina, in both goat breeds was detected. In Gurcu goats, 70% of the materials disappeared by getting thinner after being seperated from a. carotis externa of a. lingualis dextra. As a result, although the distribution of a. carotis externa in the head region of Abaza and Gurcu goats is generally similar to other small ruminants, some differences were determined in the origin points, courses and the number of sub-branches of the branches originating from the a. carotis externa.


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