Kur’an-ı Kerim’de Beytülmakdis: Seçilmiş Ayetler ve Tefsirleri

Kur’an-ı Kerim’de Beytülmakdis: Seçilmiş Ayetler ve Tefsirleri

Selected Qur’anic Verses on Islamicjerusalem and their Exegesis

 Islamicjerusalem has been mentioned in the Quran in anumber of contexts as it has been the main geographical theatre formany of the Quranic stories. The paper deals with a number ofQuranic verses that make explicit and indirect reference to al-AqsaMosque, the walled city and the region around it. It investigatescontended exegesis of some Quranic verses on whether Bayt al-Maqdis is referred to or not. The verses selected pertain to eventsthat happened prior to the seventh century, as well as an event thattook place at the beginning of the Prophethood of Muhammad. Inaddition to references to events that will take place in the future,which Islamicjerusalem is at the centre of. This is besides a numberof verses that are of general nature and do not refer to a specific eventas such. A number of exegetical works from different schools ofTafsir were selected to give a wide spectrum of opinions on thepossible relation to Islamicjerusalem.


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