Beytülmakdis'teki İç Ticaret İlişkileri Muhammad

Beytülmakdis'teki İç Ticaret İlişkileri Muhammad Al-Hizmawi , Dil: Arapça
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Beytülmakdis, Kudüs

التعامل التجاري الداخلي في مدينة بيت المقدس/ Internal Trade in the City of Jerusalem

This study deals with the internal commercial collaboration in the city of Islamicjerusalem in late nineteenth century. It incorporates various locations such as stores, bazzars, within the city; all important goods were exhibited along with the names of commercial stores. The study also shows some names of shop owners, whose stores are located there. The study explores some commercial dealings adopted in the city, debts, cheques, files, and the way properties are sold and bought as well. Finally, the paper explores some commercial firms that came into existence due to the increase of commercial business in the city and enlargement of trade dealings in the city or the nearby villages.The study ends up with various conclusions, the most important of which is that Jerusalem city was, during the second half of the nineteenth century, an important trade centre for its inhabitants and those in the nearby villages. Various stores and markets appeared, and some were specialised in selling specific products, and food products were mainly sold. The study shows that the trade relationship between the city residents and those who live in the countryside was active and it indicates how both were dependent and interdependent on each others.


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