Artuklular ve Eyyubiler Döneminde Kudüs'te İlmi Hayt: Karşılaştırma ve Değerlendirme

There is no doubt that the civilizational contributions in the Artuqid and Ayyubid eras were prominent and evident, especially in the field of scientific life that represents the most important aspect of human civilization, even though the military aspect and the conflict between the various princes and Artoid rulers were dominated by them on the one hand, and sometimes between them and the Ayyubids, this did not prevent them from being interested in the scientific life on the other hand, especially in Bayt al-Maqdis, which was a subject of respect and appreciation for all Muslims with their various orientations and political affiliations. This interest was represented by the construction of schools and houses of knowledge supervised and run by a group of scholars where endowments were allocated especially to provide financial support, whether for construction and restoration of these schools or in the form of stipends for students and teachers. To conclude a comparison is made between those two eras, to find out what distinguished each of them in the field of scientific life, and to evaluate those achievements.

The Scholarly Life in Bayt al-Maqdis During the era of the Artuqids and the Ayyubids: Comparison and Evaluation

There is no doubt that the civilizational contributions in the Artuqid and Ayyubid eras were prominent and evident, especially in the field of scientific life that represents the most important aspect of human civilization. Despite the era’s military aspects and the conflict between the various princes, Artuqid and Ayyubids rulers, this did not prevent them from being interested in scholarly life, especially in Bayt al-Maqdis, which was a subject of respect and appreciation for all Muslims with their various orientations and political affiliations. This interest was represented by the construction of schools and houses of knowledge supervised and run by a group of scholars where endowments/Awqaf were allocated especially to provide financial support, whether for construction and restoration of these schools or in the form of stipends for students and teachers. In the conclusion, a comparison is made between those two eras, to find out what distinguished each of them in the field of scientific life and to evaluate those achievements.


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