The Importance of Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Problem-Solving Competence in Nurse Human Resource Management

The Importance of Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Problem-Solving Competence in Nurse Human Resource Management

Nurses' confidence that they can solve the problems they will encounter in their professional lives, their job satisfaction and organizational commitment are important in terms of creating a peaceful and productive working environment. These issues should be given importance in terms of increasing the quality of health services and ensuring patient and employee satisfaction. In this study, which is modeled as descriptive and relationship-seeking, it is aimed to measure nurses' perceptions of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and problem-solving competencies and to reveal how these perceptions change according to nurses' demographic characteristics. The population of the study consists of nurses working in Kırşehir Private Musa Gül Hospital. The data of the research were collected with a face-to-face questionnaire. Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Interpersonal Problem-Solving Scales were used to collect the data of the research. As a result of the research, it has been determined that the Constructive Problem-Solving Factor differs significantly according to the age and marital status variables, the Persistent Approach to Problem Solving Factor according to the age variable, and the Physical Conditions Factor of the Job Satisfaction Scale differs significantly according to the Marital Status Variable. It was determined that there was no significant difference in any of the other factors and variables. In conclusion, in order to ensure a peaceful and productive working life, it is recommended that nurses be given regular in-service training on problem solving and psychological resilience.


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