Sigma Levels Analysis of International Patient Safety Goals for a Private Hospital

Sigma Levels Analysis of International Patient Safety Goals for a Private Hospital

In this study, sigma levels of International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG) of a private hospital accredited by JCI were analyzed. The data related to the processes were obtained from the security reporting notices of the hospital for 2011-2018. The error numbers obtained from the security reporting reports and the error numbers per million were found using the Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO) formula and sigma levels were obtained by using sigma conversion table.As results of analysis, although the increases and decreases observed in the years, IPSG’ sigma levels have taken 4.2 and above values it’s over the acceptable range 3-4 sigma for health institutions in Turkey. Also the sigma level of the infection prevention process was found to be lower than the others while the sigma level of the process of ensuring effective communication was the highest. The sigma levels calculated for the goals support that IPSG processes are well managed in this hospital. As a result it can be said that this hospital managed well process of IPSG.


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