Numerous innovations have occurred in the health sector from past to present. With the technological benefits of globalization and the era we are in, a great progress has been made in many subjects such as new treatment methods, robotic surgery, artificial organ production, genome research and so on. This development and change in the sector continues with an increasing momentum and there is a curiosity about what may happen in the years to come. In this context, it is aimed to examine the predictions about the future of health sector with a futurist approach in this study. The participants of the study consisted of 36 students studying at the 4th grade of the Department of Health Management at Süleyman Demirel University where they are taking “New Directions in Health Management” course. In the research, the students were given a form to explain 10 different titles about what kind of changes would be different from the present in the health sector in the years of 2050. Content analysis, which is one of the qualitative data analysis methods, was used in the analysis of the data formed as a result of deciphering the answer given. According to the answers received from the students, it is understood that technology is the basis of the changes and transformations that will occur in the health sector in the following years. In the answers given by the students, the predictions that the need for manpower will decrease in the health sector, the supply of remote health services and robotic surgery acting with artificial intelligence will widespread step forward. 


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