Evaluation Of Workload, Emotional Exhaustion Levels And Professional Satisfaction of Physicians: The Case Of Konya

Evaluation Of Workload, Emotional Exhaustion Levels And Professional Satisfaction of Physicians: The Case Of Konya

The aim of this study was to evaluate the workload, emotional exhaustion levels and professional satisfaction of physicians. The data were collected through the online questionnaire filled out by 356 physician participants using the convenience sampling method. While 51.1% of the physicians participating in the study were female, 68.0% of them were married, 61.8% of them aged between 24 and 34 years, and 72.8% of them had a working year of 1-10 years. There was no significant difference between workload, emotional exhaustion and professional satisfaction averages and gender and marital status. A significant difference was found between working year and the average workload. It appeared that there was a moderate, positive and statistically significant relationship between the workload and emotional exhaustion. In conclusion, an attempt to evaluate the workload, emotional exhaustion levels and professional satisfaction of physicians was made in the study. According to the results obtained in the study, it was observed that the physicians working between 1 and 10 years had higher level of workload compared to physicians with a working year of 11 years and more. According to another result which is parallel with the literature, a moderate, positive and statistically significant relationship was found between the workload and emotional exhaustion. It was determined that the physicians in the 35-45 age group had higher levels of workload, had more emotional exhaustion and had more professional satisfaction compared to the physicians in the other age group. 


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