Ocular Side-Effects of Corticosteroids Long Time Used- Report Case

Ocular Side-Effects of Corticosteroids Long Time Used- Report Case

The use of Corticosteroids is extended very wide. They are used in various types of diseases like: Arthritis, Rheumatic Carditis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Urticaria, Asthma, Sarcoidoses, Cerebral Oedema, Thrombocytopenia, Organ Transplantation, COVID-19 etc. In prolonged use due to the suppression of the pituitary we can have much more side effects compared with the short term therapy. That’s why we need to take care very much and that’s why in most of the cases the corticosteroids are used when simpler therapy has failed or in life threatening situations. This medicament should be used with great care, sometimes i like to call them the edge of the blade cut in both sides. In this article we are going to speak and discuss for the ocular side effects of corticosteroids. This is a retrospective study. In this study we have represented a case study. In this study we report a case of steroid induced cataracts following prolonged unsupervised administration of long therapy with corticosteroids of a female patient 63 years old. This is descriptive case study with pseudo tumor that has the first clinical signs on 1998. The clinical history represented is 1998-2008. The biopsy confirmed two inflammatory pseudo tumors which explained her pain and suffering, visual loss and diplopia. For differential and final diagnosis the patient have done all examinations like: physical and ophthalmologic, blood tests, radiologic examination, RMI, CT scan, x-ray. During this time after a long term therapy with corticosteroids and antibiotics the patient developed the year sub capsular cataract. For elaboration of all data we used the Microsoft office 2010.


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