Modelling of PM10 Pollution in Karatay District of Konya with Artificial Neural Networks

Modelling of PM10 Pollution in Karatay District of Konya with Artificial Neural Networks

Air pollution is one of the most significant issues of human being faced nowadays because it can create adverse effects on both health of human and other livings. There are several air pollutants which are considered as dangerous such as sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrous oxide (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC) and particulate matter (PM). Particulate matter is one the most significant air pollutants because it may create respiratory, cardiological and pulmonary problems by inhalation by nose on humans. Also, heavy metals and hydrocarbons may be adsorbed on PM surface, so it is considered as carcinogenic by World Health Organization (WHO). When all these negative effects of PM are taken into consideration, it is important that PM future concentration should be determined for taking precautions. PM is classified according to the diameter of the particles and PM10 is described as particulates which has diameter smaller than 10 micrometres. In this study, PM10 pollution was predicted with artificial neural network (ANN) for Karatay district of Konya. ANN includes interconnected structures that can make parallel computations. Several meteorological factors and air pollutant concentrations was provided by database of Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation belonging to autumn period of 2016 such as SO2 concentration, NO concentration, NOx concentration, NO2 concentration, CO concentration, O3 concentration, wind speed, temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, wind direction and previous day’s PM10 concentration. These parameters were used in the model as input parameters and PM10 concentration for one day later was used as an output parameter. Prediction performance of the obtained model was very promising when the similar studies are examined.


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