Knowledge, Attitude, and Barriers to Using Standardized Nursing Languages and Current Practices in Nursing Department and Public Health

The independent, complex role of a nursing school requires accurate documentation of assessments, interventions, and outcomes. Consistent documentation by all nursing school or departments is crucial to study the impact of nursing interventions on patient health and success on students in University. While standardized nursing languages are available, the actual use of these languages by nursing school is in the infancy stages of implementation. The results of this survey serve as a foundation for moving the practice of nursing school towards consistent documentation. The aim of this study is to identify nursing department knowledge and attitude about the use of standardized nursing languages, identify barriers for nursing staff in nursing department and nursing who works at public health to implement the use of standardized nursing languages in their lessons documentation and nurse practices documentation. A cross-sectional, descriptive was used for this study, using a part of Everett Rogers. Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory. This research design allowed for collection of information related on knowledge, attitude, barriers and current practices of using NANDA, NIC,and NOC (NNN) in nursing department documentation and nurse practices documentation at public health. The opportunity to incorporate standardized nursing languages in the Department of Nursing at University of Shkoder is presented. Nursing Department has knowledge, favourable attitudes, and recognize barriers to implementing standardized nursing languages in lessons and current practices of using NANDA, NIC, and NOC (NNN). 


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