Rehabilitation of Open Bite With Diastema Using Zirconia Ceramic Crowns: Case Report

Anahtar Kelimeler:


Rehabilitation of Open Bite With Diastema Using Zirconia Ceramic Crowns: Case Report

Open bite is a lack of vertical overlap of the anterior teeth in centric occlusion. Diastema is defined as no contacts between proximal teeth. Dentofacial discrepancies negatively affect the speech, masticatory function and aesthetics. Where orthodontic and surgical treatments can not be applied, it is inevitable to carry out the restorative treatments to accomplish the function and the aesthetics. This clinical report presents the rehabilitation of a bilateral open bite with midline maxillary and mandibular diastemas using zirconia ceramic restorations. Case report (J Int Dent Med Res 2013; 6: (2), pp. 88-91)

Open Bite Diastema.,


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