Case Report: Canine Fossa Abscess; A Rare Etiological Factor: The Lower Canine Tooth

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Case Report: Canine Fossa Abscess; A Rare Etiological Factor: The Lower Canine Tooth

Odontogenic infection may be dangerous; especially when life-threatening complications occur. Infection spreads through the bone and periosteum toward nearby or more distant structures and spaces. Canine fossa abscess is an odontogenic infection that can lead to life-threatening complications. Successful treatment requires early recognition, determination of etiological factors, and proper medical and surgical management. The aim of this paper is to emphasize different and rare etiological factors that can play a role in odontogenic abscesses that can lead to complications. Case report (J Int Dent Med Res 2013; 6: (1), pp. 36-39)


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Journal Of International Dental And Medical Research-Cover
  • Başlangıç: 2008
  • Yayıncı: Ektodermal Displazi Grubu
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