Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Applications in Military Healthcare Field

Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Applications in Military Healthcare Field

          Military decision-making is a critical process in which all environmental factors need to be assessed in detail in a risky environment. Due to the risky situation in this field, the decision-making process becomes more serious. Important developments and changes have been also experienced in the healthcare field worldwide. Over the past few years, the limited and even insufficient resources in the face of these developments and changes increase the importance of the studies in the healthcare field. Therefore, when all existing situations, constraints and risks are considered in the field of military and healthcare systems, a decision process is required in the field of military healthcare in which many criteria are considered and evaluated from various aspects. At this point, Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods are systematic, consistent and powerful approaches to respond to this need. Although a large amount of research has been done in the past on healthcare and military field using different methodological approaches, it is observed that there is a shortage in the application of MCDM methods in the field of military healthcare. Therefore, an encouraging study is needed to increase the number of studies in this field. The main purpose of this study is to emphasize the importance and development of MCDM methods in military healthcare by considering how MCDM methods are applied separately in the military and healthcare fields in the literature. In this context, the basic concept of MCDM methodologies is introduced and the studies that applied MCDM methods in healthcare and military are analyzed. This study is expected to bring insights to further studies in the military healthcare field.


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