The Adaptation of Integrated Spiritual Intelligence Scale into Turkish

The Adaptation of Integrated Spiritual Intelligence Scale into Turkish

The aim of this research is to adapt the Spiritual Intelligence Scale (Amram, Yosi & Dryer, D. Cristopher, 2008) into Turkish and analyze the reliability and validation of the scale. In order to adapt the scale, necessary permission was taken by the scale’s authors. The study translated by 6 people who are graduated from the English teaching department from different universities. The scale reviewed by 2 academicians who are expert in the educational sciences and psychological counseling. The scale involves 83 items with long form and 45 items with short form and it has 22 subscales. Research was conducted on 379 students who were studying at Sakarya University. The psychometric properties of the scale were investigated by confirmatory factor analysis. According to these results, it can be said that the spiritual intelligence scale is reliable and valid in the area of psychology, education and the other social sciences. Confirmatory factor analysis was applied in order to verify construct validity of Integrated Spiritual Intelligence Scale.  The results of the confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated model had an acceptable fit (x²= 724.94, sd= 199, RMSEA= .084, CFI= .94, IFI= .94, NFI= .92). According to this results Turkish version of the Integrated Spiritual Intelligence Scale is a valid and reliable instrument.


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