Analysis of Parental Opinions on Sound and Noise Pollution in Learning Environments

Analysis of Parental Opinions on Sound and Noise Pollution in Learning Environments

The aim of this study is to examine parents' views on noise at home and at school. Seventy-seven parents who know their children’s school, such as class representatives and class mothers, and who are closely interested in the education of their children, participated in the study. The questionnaire and observations of the researcher were used as data collection tools. The "Sound and Noise Questionnaire in Learning Environments" is the basic data collection tool. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results show that children are exposed to various noises such as loud talking, kitchen appliances, vacuum cleaners, and TV sound while studying at home. It has been revealed that some families do not try to reduce the noise in the house while their children are studying. It is understood that nearly half of the parents have insufficient awareness of the psychological and physiological discomfort caused by noise. The rate of parents who do not make a rule about keeping the environment quiet, while children are studying, is 14.7%. Almost 40% of the parents find the noisy behaviors of children during school break appropriate. On the other hand, about 60% of the parents are of the opinion that the noise in the school is distracting, and the noise they are exposed to is disturbing. Parents do not have a consensus on preventing noise at school. There is a need to increase the awareness of parents about the negative effects of noise. Most of the parents stated that they would support the acoustic improvements to be made at the school. It has been observed that parents have great excitement, interest, and curiosity about noise in learning environments by asking questions to the researcher regarding the survey questions. Just filling out a questionnaire has drawn parents' attention to the noise in their learning environment. In order to create quieter learning environments at home and at school, and to sprout culture of tranquility in social life, parents should be included in projects to reduce noise.


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