Over Kitleleri Ve Diğer Adneksial Kitlelerin Ayırıcı Tanısında Ultrasonografinin Yeri

Over Kitleleri Ve Diğer Adneksial Kitlelerin Ayırıcı Tanısında Ultrasonografinin Yeri

SUMMARY THE ROLE OF ULTRASONOGRAPHY IN THE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF OVARIAN AMD THE OTHER ADNEXIAL MASSES A total of 100 patients with adnexial masses were examined by real-time ultrasonography. According to sonographic features these lesions were separated into 8 morphological pattern. Besides separating adnexial masses into that pattern their size, location and definition of border were evaluated. Although the accurate diagnosis of these lesions were made in 56 % of all cases, and the rate of predictability of malign ovarian tumors were 92 % in 12 cases. We have established that ultrasonography has a major role for the evaluation of women with ovarian masses.
