Meckel’s diverticulitis presenting with early abcess formation in femoral region: A clue for determining content of femoral hernia

Meckel’s diverticulitis presenting with early abcess formation in femoral region: A clue for determining content of femoral hernia

Perforated Meckel’s diverticulitis (PMD) in a femoral hernia (FH) sac is a very rare clinical presentation. To determine the presence of such a complicated Littre’s hernia is challenging. To emphazise the clinical importance of groin abscess and consider the possibility of extreme diagnosis in these patients, clinical suspection is necessary. Here we present a male patient with a history of pain and tender mass in right inguinal region, which was seems like a groin abcess. However, intraoperative finding was a strangulated Meckel’s diverticulum in FH, the clinical appearance of entire bowel and pathological assessment were consistent with PMD. It’s noteworthy that, not only a drainage, but rapid intervention should be considered in all inguinal abcess with confusing physical examination and signs. 


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