Koroner Sinüste Diastolik Balon Pulsasyon Uygulamasının Kardiyak Metabolizma Ve Hemodinami Üzerine Olan Etkinliği

Koroner Sinüste Diastolik Balon Pulsasyon Uygulamasının Kardiyak Metabolizma Ve Hemodinami Üzerine Olan Etkinliği

The Efficacy of Diastolic Balloon Pulsation in Coronary Sinus on Myocardial Metabolism and Haemodynamics The effect of diastolic coronary sinus balloon pulsation on acute myocardial ischemia and infarction was evaluated. A device for this purpose was developed that consisted of a balloon catheter and pump system, the produced controlled, intermittant diastolic pulsaüon in coronary sinus. It was hypotesized that; facilitate improved retrograde flow to ischemic areas and allow for more complete oxygen exchange and venous washout of metabolits, with elevated coronary sinus pressure and retrograde pulsation. For this purpose; the experimental study was done on 10 dogs. First stage; Coronary Sinus Diastolic Ballon Pulsation (CSDBP) was performed on normally myocardium, at beat to beat 1:1, 2:1, and 3:1 cardiac cycle. Any haemodynamics deteriotions were showed. Then, coronary perfusion deteriotions were performed by coronary artery ligation. In this stage; mean EKG-ST segment level elevated to 6.3±0.95 mm (p
