Evaluation of the level of anxiety among pregnant women during the outbreak of Covid-19

Evaluation of the level of anxiety among pregnant women during the outbreak of Covid-19

Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the level of anxiety and distress among pregnant women during the outbreak of Covid-19. Material and Methods: A 30-item questionnaire was applied on-line to a total of 240 pregnant women from all the cities of Turkey between 18-24 May 2020. With this questionnaire, demographic data of the participants, their knowledge and concerns about Covid-19, general measures they took against Covid-19, pregnancy follow-ups and their delivery preferences were evaluated. In addition, the State-trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) adapted to Turkish was applied to each participant. Personal and obstetric information were grouped and compared with the anxiety scale. Anxiety levels of the groups were calculated. Results: The STAI score means of 240 pregnant women who filled our questionnaire was 46.39±12.36 and the Cronbach Alpha value was calculated as 0.93. It was found that 125 pregnant women received help by contacting their doctor over the phone during the Covid-19 outbreak. It was also found that 106 pregnant women wanted to give birth at home. It was again found that 47.9% of pregnant women received information about Covid-19 from television. The STAI scores of pregnant women whose one or more family members’ Covid-19 test were positive was 59.60 ± 5.63. The anxiety scores of pregnant women who were healthcare workers was 48.30 ± 12.27. Conclusions: Necessary clinical and psychological counseling services should be provided by local and national health institutions via television, telephone and internet for pregnant women, whose anxiety level increased during the Covid-19 outbreak, to be in full physical and mental well-being.


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