Assessment of the applications to Kocaeli Derince Research and Education Hospital in 2012 and 2013 to obtain disabled children’s health board report

Assessment of the applications to Kocaeli Derince Research and Education Hospital in 2012 and 2013 to obtain disabled children’s health board report

In this study, it is aimed to determine the neurodevelopmental disorders of children and adolescents applied to health committee for the disability, in a definite period. Cases of 0-18 aged 1512 children and adolescents who applied to health committee of our hospital between January 2012-December 2013 were analysed retrospectively. The study included cases whose 37.6% (569) were female and 62.4% (943) were male. The mean age was 7.66±3.8. 36.3% (549) of the cases were in the range of 0-6 years of age, 63.7% (963) of the cases were in the range of 7-18 years of age. The most common diagnoses were developmental delays in the range of 0-6 years of age and intellectual disability in the range of 7-18 years of age. Results of such studies investigating the applications will contribute to the statistical data of disabled population in our country, and will faciliate the organisation of social and educational rights of disabled children and adolescents applied to the health committees.


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