Analysis of Occupational Accidents and Musculoskeletal System Problems of Butchers in Hatay

Analysis of Occupational Accidents and Musculoskeletal System Problems of Butchers in Hatay

Purpose: Although musculoskeletal system injuries are frequently seen in the area of meat industry, studies on this topic are insufficient. The purpose of this study it to identify the occupational accidents and musculoskeletal problems of butcher shop workers in the city of Hatay. Method: A survey consisting of 32 questions was given to 69 butchers who work in the city of Hatay with 38,20±1,32 in a face to face interview. Their social status, activities in the butcher shop, past injuries and activities after their injuries were questioned with the survey. Findings: It was determined that the butchers were most frequently injured in their hand and finger area (60,9%). It was determined that 40,6% of the butchers had an accidents in the last 5 years; their injuries were mostly non-dominant hand injuries and infections were seen in 15,9% of the butchers after their injuries. It was found that the most frequent injuries took place during the hanging of carcasses; carelessness played an important role in getting injured; use of sharp tools led to injuries in 97,1% of the butchers and that 2,9% of the butchers were left with permanent handicaps after their injuries. Conclusion: It was determined that hand-finger injuries and back pain complaints were frequently seen in butcher shop workers and that they do not use any protective equipment to avoid injuries. Therefore, it was concluded that the necessary analyses need to be done on the butcher shop workers and that training should be provided for them on protective precautions and posture problems.


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