An uncommon collateral pathway in a renal artery occlusion due to takayasu’s arteritis

An uncommon collateral pathway in a renal artery occlusion due to takayasu’s arteritis

Takayasu’s Arteritis is a rare vasculitis that affects large vessels. We experienced a case of renal artery occlusion in a 27-year-old woman suffering from Takayasu’s Arteritis. On Computed Tomography Angiography, a millimetric outpouching simulating a stub was detected at the level of right renal artery orifice. Feasibility of endovascular intervention was evaluated with Digital Subtraction Angiography. However, no luminal filling could be demonstrated beyond the outpouching. While seeking the collateral circulation, the subphrenic artery trunk was shown to be the source. The subphrenic artery should be kept in mind in case the source of collateral filling could not be detected in a renal artery occlusion.


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