Postmatür Gebeliklerde Fetus Sağlığının Tayini Ve Ultrasonografik Değerlendirme

Abbeblehk of fetal being and ultrasound evaluation of the postdate pregnancy ✓ This study was perform at Samsun Maternity Hospital. Human placental Lactogen and estriol concentrations in maternal serum and ultrasound findings were evaluated in 32 pregnancies, delivered 2 or more weeks postterm and this values were compared with in 26 control-normal pregnancies delivered at 39 to 40 weeks. Human placental Lactogen rather than estriol was o good indicator in postdate pregnancies (Ta-blo III. p0.05) (9). Cesarean section rate was higher in postdate pregnancies than in the control group (Tablo IV. 0.05). Kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında postmatür eylemlerde sezaryen hızı daha yüksekti (Tablo IV . 0.001
