Comparison of maternal serum and umbilical cord concentrations of nitric oxide and asymmetric-dimethyl-arginine in pre-eclamptic and uncomplicated pregnancies

The aim of this study was to compare maternal serum and umbilical cord levels of asymmetric-dimethyl-arginine (ADMA) and nitric oxide (NO) in pre-eclamptic and non-pre-eclamptic women and the possible effects of ADMA and NO on fetal outcome. Mean umbilical cord and maternal serum NO and ADMA levels of 29 women with preeclampsia (PE) and 24 randomly selected healthy pregnant women were compared. Maternal venous blood samples were collected before delivery and umbilical cord venous blood samples were obtained after delivery. Birth weight, apgar score, cord blood pH, duration of stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and maternal and neonatal complications were recorded. Umbilical cord ADMA and maternal NO levels were significantly higher in women with pre-eclampsia compared to women without pre-eclampsia. There were no significant differences between means of maternal serum ADMA levels and cord blood NO levels in women with and without pre-eclampsia. Maternal and cord serum NO and ADMA levels in the pre-eclampsia group did not show a significant correlation with cord blood pH, umbilical artery pulsatility index (PI). In conclusion, umbilical cord ADMA and maternal NO levels were significantly higher in women with pre-eclampsia compared to women without pre-eclampsia.


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