Twin pregnancy in a woman with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and uterus didelphys: A case report and literature review

Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism is a rarely seen medical condition arising from absence or decrease of hypothalamic pituitary function . Hormone plasma concentrations are either can not be determined or are at very low rates. Uterus didelphys is a congenital uterine about medial fusion defects of mullerian ducts. A 22-year-old female patient applied to our clinic due to premier infertility. The diagnosis of uterus didelphys was confirmed as a result of hysterosalpingogra- phy.Recombinant FSH was started on ovulation induction. In the transvaginal ultrasonography performed 3 weeks later, 2 gestational sacs and fetal heartbeats in both cavities were observed.After cesarean operation ,strassmann procedure was performed and both cavities were combined in the same session. 


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