Retrospective clinical evaluation of patients undergoing surgery for acute epidural hematoma

We aimed to evaluate mortality-associated factors among patients with acute epidural hematoma due to head trauma. Demographic characteristics, preoperative Glasgow ComaScale score, epidural hematoma aetiology and radiological findings, accompanying systemic trauma results, hospitalisation duration, sequelae, and mortality features of patients experiencing epidural hematoma between 2014 and 2018 were evaluated. Overall, 79 patients were examined. The most frequent epidural hematoma aetiology was traffic accidents (51.9%), with temporal region being the most common epidural hematoma location (38 [48.2%] patients). Amongall, 12 (15.2%) patients died and 67 (84.8%) were discharged. Of them, 57 (85.1%) patients were discharged without and 10 (14.9%) with neurological sequelae. Age>65 years (p=0.001) and low Glasgow ComaScale score (p


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