Potential of reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent emissions via energy efficiency for a textile factory

Potential of reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent emissions via energy efficiency for a textile factory

Today, one of the most important issues in the world is that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which is the fundamental reason for global warming exhibits a severe increase in every passing year. It is a general view that the most crucial step to succeed in mitigation carbon emissions is the reduction of energy consumption. In this study, production and energy consumption data only for year 2016 of an industrial textile factory in Turkey were employed to explore carbon emission mitigation potential through energy efficiency. The research consists of three steps listed as i) data collection, ii) data processing and iii) data evaluation. Energy saving potential of the industry has been determined with the help of the energy consumption relations developed depending on data obtained from the factory by calculating the target energy consumption for year 2017 and beyond. Also, the amount of reduction in carbon emissions stemming from the amount of fuel saved thanks to energy efficiency has been calculated. Energy saving potential for 2017 and later years was found 98.9 TOE per year and also due to these saving, the amount of the reduction in CO2 emissions of the factory will totally be 2.75 million-tones CO2 in comparison to year 2016. It is also seen that financial savings will be approximately € 28,646.06 for the year 2017 and later years.


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