Zerdeçalın Antioksidan ve Antikanser Etkileri - Derleme

Antioxidant and Anticancer effects of curcumin – A Review

Plants are nature’s remedies& have been used on earth for food and medicine since ancient times. The use of plants and their active principles in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases is on the experience of traditional system of medicine from different ethnic societies but use in modern medicines is limited by the lack of scientific data. Few medicinal plants have attracted the interest & been the subject of scientific investigations,One plant that has been investigated is turmeric. Turmeric and its active ingredient “curcumin’’are being studied upon as chemopreventive agents in various diseases.Curcumin has a long history of use in ayurvedicmedicine as a treatment for inflammatory conditions.The medicinal properties of curcumin and its analogs have been known to mankind for ages.Modern science has now provided a scientific basis to the numerous reports of the medicinal effects of these most inexpensive,yet pharmacologically safe, having numerous pharmacological activities, including antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.This reviewarticle focuses on curcumin’s anti-inflammatory,antioxidant and anticancer properties and its role in premalignat conditions of oral cavity .