The Effect of Teaching Percentages with Creative Drama Method on the Academic Achievement of Fifth Grade Students and Permanence of Knowledge
The aim of this study is to examine the effect of teaching percentages with the creative drama method on the academic achievement and permanence of fifth grade students. For this purpose, an experimental design with pre -test post-test control group, which is one of the quantitative research methods, was adopted. The sample of the research consists of 58 fifth grade students, 30 of whom are experimental and 28 of whom are controls, who are studying in a public school in Osmaniye city center. When the data got within the scope of the research were analyzed at the 95% confidence level in the SPSS 23 program, it was revealed that there was a moderate effect size in favor of the experimental group between the test scores of the knowledge retention of the experimental and control groups. Thus, we agreed that the creative drama method is more effective than traditional teaching methods in terms of academic success and permanence of knowledge on percentages.
The Effect of Teaching Percentages with Creative Drama Method on the Academic Achievement of Fifth Grade Students and Permanence of Knowledge
The aim of this study is to examine the effect of teaching percentages with the creative drama method on the academic achievement and permanence of fifth grade students. For this purpose, an experimental design with pre -test post-test control group, which is one of the quantitative research methods, was adopted. The sample of the research consists of 58 fifth grade students, 30 of whom are experimental and 28 of whom are controls, who are studying in a public school in Osmaniye city center. When the data got within the scope of the research were analyzed at the 95% confidence level in the SPSS 23 program, it was revealed that there was a moderate effect size in favor of the experimental group between the test scores of the knowledge retention of the experimental and control groups. Thus, we agreed that the creative drama method is more effective than traditional teaching methods in terms of academic success and permanence of knowledge on percentages.
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