Undetected Duplication Cyst of The Cecum Until Adulthood

Undetected Duplication Cyst of The Cecum Until Adulthood

Intestinal duplication is a rare congenital anomaly of the digestive tract. It is often diagnosed antenatally or in the first two years of life. It is observed anywhere in the digestive tract, often in ileum and jejunum. We present a rare case of colonic duplication cyst in adult age in this paper. Our case was diagnosed by ultrasonography performed due to the complaint of chronic abdominal pain and was followed up for 18 months. The patient underwent surgery due to strong suspicion of malignancy. During the operation, the cyst was accessed only after palpation and was resected together with the right colon. The definitive diagnosis could be made by pathological examination. Duplication cysts can cause significant morbidity and even mortality if left untreated. For this reason, it is important to recognize this rare congenital anomaly. 


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