Purpose -The aim of research is to determine perceptions of service fairness and price fairness of restaurant customers; to measure how perceptions of service fairness and price fairness affect their complaining behaviour. Methodology - A structured questionnaire technique was used as data collection method. A total of 410 useable questionnaires were collected from customers of 40 restaurants in Karadeniz Ereğli. The data collected was analysed using the factor analysis, regression and correlation analysis. Findings- There is moderate positive correlation between perceived service fairness and perceived price fairness in restaurant customers in Karadeniz Ereğli. A moderate negative correlation between perceived service fairness and complaining behavior was found. A low negative correlation between perceived price fairness and complaining behavior was found. Conclusion- The study provides practical implications that provides restaurants decreasing their customers’ complaining behaviour and new insight on the relationship between perceived service fairness and perceived price fairness of restaurant customers.


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