Increasing The Recognition Of Brands Through Digital Marketing
Increasing The Recognition Of Brands Through Digital Marketing
The main purpose of our study is to determine the effects of digital marketing on the recognition of brands. For this purpose, an interview was done with 10 managers participants consisting of a semi-structured interview with 15 question relating digital marketing methods and brand awareness. The results showed digital marketing, which has gained importance especially due to pandemic conditions, is thought to cover all sectors and regions with the increase in the number of social media users over time. It has been seen that the level of importance given by individuals to digital marketing is less than necessary and as a result, classical methods are used. The increasing importance given to digital marketing will increase the awareness and customer potential of companies and their brands. Participants think that they manage their companies' social media accounts, but using and managing corporate accounts by experts in their field will result in better marketing. Participants stated that they entered into competition with rival companies as a result of digital marketing. They stated that since they started using digital marketing, rival companies have switched to digital marketing and the whole industry has started to use digital marketing channels, albeit slowly. It can be said that marketing in the digital environment provides time, personnel, and cost savings, as well as providing support to companies on the way to branding, as it provides the opportunity to be heard and reach more people by expanding the brand over the internet through channels such as websites and e-mail. Since the multiplicity of the offered alternatives also facilitates the target consumer group to make choices in accordance with their own preferences, it allows the development of brands in this direction and also creates a positive effect on brand awareness.
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