Check-List of The Freshwater Algae of Turkey

Check-List of The Freshwater Algae of Turkey

Abstract The freshwater algae of the lakes, dam lakes, streams, brooks, puddles, thermal springs, marshes of Turkey based on literature records are listed in this study. 179 studies have been carried out by different workers, in which 2030 taxa were identified [(354 Cyanophyceae, 159 Euglonidea, 24 Dinophyceae, one (I) Bangiophyceae, five (5) Florideophyceae, 378 Chlorophyceae, one (I) Pleurastrophyceae, seven (7) Charophyceae stricto sensu, eight (8) Euphyceae, 266 Conjugophyceae, five (5) Cryptista, two (2) Fucophyceae, 25 Xanthophyceae, nine (9) Chrysophyceae, four (4) Synurophyceae, 63 Coscinodiscophyceae, 101 Fragilariophyceae, 617 Bacillariophyceae and one (1) Bicoecea]. 18 taxa were given as new record for the freshwater algal flora of Turkey.


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