Bilindiği üzere 20. yüzyılda yaşanan bir dizi değişim gerçeklik algımızı değiştirdiği gibi sanata ilişkin yargılarımızı, kalıplarımızı derinden etkilemiştir.1900’lerin başlarına dayanan bu süreç, 1950’lerden itibaren hız kazanmış, sanatsal panoramaya heterojen ve gittikçe artan kaotik bir yapı egemen olmuştur.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Modernizm, sanat, kriz, temsil


As it is known, a series of changes in the 20th century have changed our perception of reality and deeply influenced our judgments and patterns related to art. This process, dating back to the early 1960s, gained momentum from the 1950s, and dominated the artistic panorama bya heterogeneous and increasingly chaotic structure.As part of the modern world, with the claim that it could grasp the reality, modern art, shortly after its the emergence, realized that this assertion was not easy and attempted endless experimental efforts in an attempt to capture reality. The result of these efforts has experienced the fact that it is almost impossible to represent reality on an artistic surface, and then it has entered into a crisis within an abundance of styles and methods. Although this crisis has different aspects, this crisis is generally called the crisis of representation.


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