The Effect of Vermiculite Usage on Surface Properties of Medium Density Fibreboard
The Effect of Vermiculite Usage on Surface Properties of Medium Density Fibreboard
In this study, the effects of vermiculite of volcanic minerals usage on the surface properties were investigated in medium density fiberboard (MDF) production. The test boards were produced using the dry method with 12% urea formaldehyde resin. Additions of 10%, 15%, 20% and 30% vermiculite were used based on the full dry fiber weight. Surface roughness, color and gloss values of both surfaces of the obtained boards were determined. Based on the results, the ratio of vermiculite increased, roughness values on the surfaces increased. The roughness values in the bottom surface of the produced boards were determined to be higher than the top surface. With the use of 30% vermiculite, the average minimum surface roughness (Ra) was found to be 8.65 μm on the upper surfaces and 15.44 μm on the lower surfaces. It has been found that total color change and brightness are improved by the increase of vermiculite usage and the color change on the bottom surface is found higher. In short, the use of vermiculite in the production of MDF negatively affects the surface roughness and discoloration of the boards, but it has been found to positively affect the gloss
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