Effect of Cement and Accelerator Types on the Physico-Mechanical Properties of Cement-Bonded Particleboards
Effect of Cement and Accelerator Types on the Physico-Mechanical Properties of Cement-Bonded Particleboards
In this study, it is aimed to determine the effect of the use of different types cement and accelerator on the physico-mechanical properties of cement-bonded particleboards. Within this scope, two types of cements (calcium aluminate cement and Super white CEM I 52.5 R) and accelerators (aluminum sulfate and calcium chloride) were used in the production of boards. Therefore, CBPBs with 1200 kg/m3 target density and 1/2.75 wood-cement ratio were produced. Based on cement weight 1.5% accelerators were used. The test results obtained were evaluated according to EN 634-2 (2009). According to result, density values of the boards were changed with using depending on cement and accelerator types. The use of super white cement and calcium chloride positively affected the both mechanical properties and dimensional stability of the boards. The use of calcium aluminate cement and aluminum sulfate resulted in lower strength properties.
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