Determination of the Optimum Feed Rate and Spindle Speed Depending on the Surface Roughness of Some Wood Species Processed with CNC Machine
In modern furniture industry, CNC machines are widely used, especially when high quality of product and flexibility of manufacturing process are expected. Even though there are many advanced computer-aided manufacturing systems for furniture producers, it is difficult to set process parameters according to obtain desired material surface properties because wood is a natural polymeric material with a heterogeneous structure. Wood surface properties are affected both material and machining factors, such as wood species, anatomical characteristics, moisture content, grain direction, feed rate, spindle speed, cutting depth, and tool geometry. In this study, it was aimed to determine of the optimum feed rate and spindle speed depending on the surface roughness of some wood species processed with CNC machine. Spruce, chestnut, larch and iroko were used as wood species. Three spindle speed (10000, 14000 and 18000 rpm) and feed rate (5000, 7000 and 9000 mm/min) were determined for CNC processing. The surface roughness (Rz) of wood samples were determined according to DIN 4768 standard. As a result of the study, the lowest surface roughness values were found in 10000 rpm spindle speed and 5000 mm/min feed rate for spruce and chestnut wood and 18000 rpm spindle speed and 7000 mm/min feed rate for larch and iroko wood. The highest values in the all of wood species were obtain from 10000 rpm spindle speed and 9000 mm/min feed rate.
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