Optimization of Veneer Drying Temperature for the Best Mechanical Properties of Plywood via Artificial Neural Network
The drying of veneer is an essential part of the veneer-producing process to aid the gluing during the manufacture of the plywood and laminated veneer lumber. Determining the optimum veneer drying temperature without decreasing of mechanical properties is also very important from industrial viewpoint. Due to the high drying costs, increased temperatures are being used commonly in plywood industry to reduce the overall drying time and increase capacity. However, high drying temperatures can alter some physical, mechanical and chemical characteristics of wood and cause some drying-related defects. In this study, it was aimed to predict the optimum drying temperature for alder and scots pine veneers via artificial neural network modelling for optimum mechanical properties. Therefore, mechanical strength values of plywood panels manufactured from alder and scots pine veneers were dried at temperatures of 110, 130, 150, 170, 190 and 210°C. Shear strength, bending strength and modulus of elasticity of the plywood panels were experimentally determined according to EN 314-1 and EN 310 standards. Then, the mechanical strength values based on veneer drying temperatures are subjected to prediction by artificial neural network modelling. As a results of this study, the optimum drying temperature values were obtained as 165, 162 and 161°C in Scots pine plywood and 190, 195 and 196°C in alder plywood, for best shear strength, bending strength and modulus of elasticity values, respectively.
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