Kur’an’da Allah ism-i Celâl’indeki Nazım Belagatı: Mef’ûlün Bih Örneği

Elinizdeki çalışma, “Allah” Lafza-i Celâli ve retorik açısından Kur’an-ı Kerîm'deki dizilimi konularından biri olan Lafzatullah’ın mef’ulün bih olarak yer alışı ele alınmaktadır. Genel anlamda Lafzatullah’ın nazım belagatı yönünden ele alınması çok geniş bir konu olduğundan makale, yalnızca “Allah” lafzının Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’de mef’ulün bih olarak olarak gelip, mansûbun ʻale’t-taʻzîm olarak ifade edildiği yerleri ele almakla yetinmiştir. Aynı zamanda bu makale; mef’ul konumunda gelen “Allah” lafzının, gramer kuralları ile “gramer felsefesi” açısından yorumlanabilirlik yönünü araştırmaktadır.

The Rhetoric of The Arrangement of The Name “Allah” in the Quran: Mafulun Bih Example

In the present study, "Allah" Lafza-i Celâli and its arrangement in the Qur'an in terms of rhetoric, Lafzatullah's place of mef'ul as bih is discussed. Since Lafzatullah is a very broad subject to be handled in terms of verse rhetoric in general, the article only deals with the places where the word "Allah" comes as bih in the Quran and is expressed as mansubun ʻale't-taʻzîm is satisfied. Also this article; It is investigating the interpretability aspect of the word "Allah", which comes in the position of mef'ul, in terms of grammar rules and "grammar philosophy". When examined in terms of grammatical philosophy, the relations between sentence elements and the explanation of the places where Lafzatullah is actually actor in the Quran is the subject of this study. In the study, in which the context of the words of Allah in the Quran was discussed, it was tried to be presented to the attention of the reader what are the rhetoric and linguistic subtleties in the use of the word Allah. The subject that is tried to be explained in this framework has been handled by taking certain examples from the Quran, and the world of meaning of the word God has been discussed on these examples. In this context, efforts have been made to express that the meaning is actually the subject in places where the word God has been passed as an object.


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