Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy (CDMSE) among Gifted and Talented Students in Malaysia: An Initial Demographic Study

Career decision making is one of the crucial elements for students in the school setting. Career decision making is vital for students to make a decision over their knowledge about their future professions. For gifted students, they may advance from the normal population of students in discovering their future jobs. This study focusing on career decision making among gifted and talented students in Malaysia. The level of career decision making is measured by the researchers using Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy (CDMSE)-Revised, which was developed in 1996. This research involved 2800 Malaysian gifted and talented students who are studying at the boarding schools. The descriptive statistical analysis is used to find the phenomenon of career decision making among research respondents in terms of gender, parental level of education, and family income. The finding of this research shows that gifted and talented students are different from their normal peers in terms of career decision making self-efficacy. The implication of this research is discussed in this paper especially for guidance and counseling provisional dimension.


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