Kutadgu-Bilig in the Context of World and Western Literature

Kutadgu-Bilig is the first Islamic work which had been written after the acceptance of Islam in Turkish history. This masterpiece is very significant not only as a cultural artifact, but also a stimulating work on the destiny of Turkish people that had joined sphere of a new culture and civilisation. Yusuf Has Hâcib wrote the Kutadgu-Bilig with the responsibility of being intellectual that derived from his society and state belongings. In that context, he aimed to stabilize the social structure which had been in the disorder of value. Therefore, Yusuf Has Hâcib wanted to form a system of state and society, and to achieve a Constitution, a moral and political doctrine for rulers and statesmen of Turkish states which would have been established in the future. This paper aims to examine the work in comparison with some pieces of the world and western literature.


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